Techgue | Career planning is the first step you need to take when entering the world of work. Preparing this plan will help you achieve your desired career targets. However, you also need to be careful in arranging it. Make sure that you consider the factors that influence career planning.
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Regarding career planning, you need to know that there are 2 categories of factors that have an influence. The two categories of factors are internal and external factors. To find out more about the factors that influence career planning, check out the following review, come on!
Internal Factors that Influence Career Planning
There are several internal factors that are closely related to career planning. These internal factors include:
1. Knowledge
The first internal factor that has an influence on career planning is knowledge. Knowledge covers many aspects, including educational background. The higher a person's level of education, the more knowledge they have.
There are various methods used by companies to set knowledge standards during the employee recruitment process. For example, by setting limits on certain educational levels, GPA, and so on. If you have a high standard of knowledge, you have many choices when choosing a career.
2. Soft Skills
Regardless of what career you choose, soft skills are an important factor that should not be missed. The main reason is because you will need soft skills in various types of work. In fact, having strong soft skills can encourage you to pursue your career more smoothly in the future.
The 2017 iCIMS Hiring Insight report revealed that 94% of professional recruiters have high confidence that employees who have strong soft skills will receive promotions more quickly than other employees. Specifically, there are 5 important soft skills that you need to master, namely communication, problem solving, time management, adaptability, and leadership.
3. Skills
Like knowledge, skills are an internal factor that is no less important in career planning efforts. In the employee search process, companies do not just recruit workers who have knowledge or theory. However, this knowledge must also be accompanied by adequate skills.
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Providing skills can help an employee to be able to carry out their work smoothly. You won't experience any difficulties during the adaptation process. You can get this situation when your skills match the level of company needs.
4. Career Change
The final internal factor that has an influence on career planning is career change. These changes have the potential to make you need to revise the plans that have been prepared. In reality, there are many factors that can lead to a person's decision to make a career change, including:
- The values held do not match the job
- The field of work is in a bad situation
- New interests emerge
External Factors that Influence Career Planning
Apart from the factors that influence internal career planning, there are also external elements that are no less important. These external elements include:
1. Developments in the World of Work
The world of work is dynamic. Therefore, you will find that there are changes that can occur at any time. These changes then have an impact on the level of labor requirements of a company.
You can see a real example of the phenomenon of developments in the world of work when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. Before COVID-19, many people took remote work for granted. In fact, many people think that remote workers are nothing like being unemployed.
However, the situation changed 180 degrees when the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. Employees who were initially able to work comfortably in the office were forced to work remotely. This situation also creates new career opportunities in the world of work. On the other hand, there are also jobs that have been marginalized because of these changes.
2. Technological Development
The next external factor that has an important influence on career planning is technological developments. Technological advances open up many new opportunities in the world of work. As a result, now you will find many relatively new career options. These new career choices indicate changes in the needs of the industrial sector.
Technological sophistication does not only give rise to new career prospects. At the same time, many companies understand the importance of having employees with an educational background in the field of information technology. Therefore, the level of need for employees in the field continues to increase and has the potential to earn high wages.
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This phenomenon encourages many people to choose a career in the information technology sector. High salary opportunities are the main reason. Plus, you can't only get job opportunities in this field from domestic companies. However, there are also many career prospects in companies abroad.
3. Promotion Criteria
The career plans you make will also be influenced by promotion criteria. When preparing a career plan, you need to do in-depth research regarding the career you want. At that time, you would have considered a career that promised promotion to a higher position, right?
4. Family
The thing you shouldn't miss regarding the factors that influence career planning is family. This factor applies not only to married employees, but also to those who are still single.
When you have a family, you need to consider your partner's opinion regarding future career targets. Meanwhile, for those who are still single, parental considerations are often the main basis in the decision-making process.
Apart from that, interactions within the family also have an equally large influence on the career selection process. This interaction will shape a person's perspective on career. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are families where the majority of members work in the same field.
5. Association
Finally, you will also feel that there are factors that influence career planning in the form of the social environment. An important fact that you need to know is that social interactions have a very strong influence on career planning.
You can generate interest in certain fields through interactions with peers. Apart from that, social interactions can also give rise to hopes and views regarding future career choices.
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So, that's a discussion regarding the factors that influence career planning. This knowledge has an important role for you in expanding your career options in the future. Wide career options provide opportunities for you to make choices according to your wishes.